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Learn about Christmas time letters to Santa

Christmas time letters

Don't forget to send your letter to Santa, he might just respond!

Before there is Christmas, there are the preparations. Starting in autumn we gather presents and work hard to get some extra money to make the christmas a very special time. It is also a time when children write letters to santa. It may not be that easy to do to write a letter to Santa if you are a child. Some children write well and some haven't had enough practice yet. It always takes some time for a child to learn how to write and, what is more important, how to put their thoughts into a letter to Santa. How long does it take for a child to write letters well? It always depends on the skills a child has. Perhaps your child is a math whiz or maybe they love words? While writing a letter to Santa together you could ak them to count the number of words you've used or perhaps you could ask them which words they'd like to include in their letter. Don't forget to add something personal about your child in the letter. Do they like sports? Maybe animals? Santa wants to know more about your child's likes and dislikes so he can make Christmas extra special! Santa. Little tricks like that may make it much easier for a child to write that special Santa letter, with your assistance of course. Therefore, when your child or you write Santa a letter, do remember to support your children while doing any writing, or any other thing that need a parent's support. Another thing worth mentioning is the chance to get a personalised letter from santa! This can be a very memorable thing when a child gets their own personalised (personalized US) Santa letter for a job well done This can be a very good motivator for your children to learn how to write, for when they do a magical thing can happen and Santa claus may respond! Wouldn't that be something great for a child to get a letter from Santa Claus? It would surely be the most exciting Christmas ever in your child's life. Let's make it happen!